Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tekken 6

Yeah I have not updated this blog in a while and to be honest, I really didn't have anything that interesting to blog about. I have been sick for the most part and when I did travel to events I had a toothache that i would rather have not gone to them. Since the toothache really kept me from doing anything and just pretty much watched people but could not really talk to anyone. Yeah a big let down on my behalf and really hurt me trying to talk to new people.

Recently though I have been trying to get into new games, but just really not finding any game I was really getting interested in. Many of my friends kept telling me to play this game or that game and I gave it a shot, but they just weren't my game and I ended up dropping those games and just not playing them. I really did try to play those games I even bought them.

Then finally there is a game I enjoyed right out of the box and have played for quite a while already and have been enjoying it a lot. Win or lose I have enjoyed this game, unlike the previous games I tried to get into. Yeah that game is Tekken 6! I have truthfully enjoyed this game whether I win or lose and it really does not bother me. I just enjoy juggling people in combos and trying to do some nice tricks. The fact that the game has a character with the same name as mine, is a pretty given that I would enjoy it even more. Yes, there is a character in the game named, Miguel, guess who I main? I don't know where he is in the tier list at this time, but frankly I don't care. I am enjoying the fact that when I win, the announcer says, "Miguel Wins!" And I just taunt my opponent by saying, "Damn Right! I Just Won! Miguel Won!"

I will be playing this game more competitively and trying my best to learn combos and set ups from some of my close friends and from some of the top Tekken players that I know. I know I will not do that well in the first few tournaments, but as long as Miguel is in the game and I can enjoy playign this game, I will keep playing this game as one of my new competitive fighters!

I have always enjoyed Tekken. I personally have Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection. I have enjoyed playing those games and I love watching some of the high level players juggle their opponents for a long time while executing some nice strings. I always wanted to do that and I am hoping that this game really gets me involve in a new community that I have always enjoyed watching.

Yeah not much in this blog outside of my new game that I am enjoying and playing a character I will enjoy playing for a long time! So expect to see me in future Tekken 6 tournaments, I will be the one entering with Miguel and yes, I will be saying, "Damn Right! I Just Won! Miguel Won!"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

1st Blog

I am just going to post this just to get the hang of these things.

I used to blog a while back when I traveled to tournaments and met friends across the country. So I will use this as a way to keep in touch with everyone and still blog of the events I am doing or going to.

I have blogged before on My Space, All is Brawl, and at one point I had a Live Journal, I forget my info on that one a while back so I am just ignoring it for now... o_o;

My future blogs will also have pictures. I love using pictures and telling a story behind each of them. I used to do that a lot before as well. I just figure I will do it again, since I will be traveling a lot in the next couple of months! ^_^

I guess I'll post some info in case people do not know me that well.

My name is Miguel. Many people online and in person know me more by my aliases. You will might get to know me as: Mike, Dark Kakashi, Miggy, Sir Migglesworth, Notorious M.I.G., DK.

I am very rarely called by my real name unless is by my family or relatives. Usually though I am called by one of those aliases. I have gotten used to them, so is all good if you want to call me by either of them.

I travel around the country a lot, mostly because of tournaments or just to hang out with friends which I have made throughout my traveling times. I have good friends throughout the country and every once in a while I will travel and hang out with them and some amazing stories come from those encounters. I might blog about those at a future time.

Currently, I spend my time hanging out with friends, going to work, and planing events I am going to run. Right now I am know in the fighting game community for running a series of tournaments called the Clash of Brokenness, which ran from January '09 - July '09. It was a fun series. I had people show up from all over the Midwest, Florida, and even Canada! It was fun to run and great to see all the players show up and participate in them. Right now I guess you call it my off season for that, since I am not going to run an event for a while, but I will be traveling to support the scene and the players that came to my events!

I am a member of many forums. Many people might know me from those places as well. I am an active member in the Willvolution Forums, Shoryuken Forums, Smashboards, All is Brawl, Naruto Forums, and NarutoFan Web Site. I have made many good friends from those sites and still talk with them and even visit some of them during my traveling times.

I have always enjoyed watching the sky at night looking at the stars. Is one of the reasons why ever since I was 8 I wanted a telescope but up until now, I still don't have one and that is one of my wishes to get one of them one day. That is one of the main reasons why i am fascinated in Astrology and go to the Adler Planetarium a lot. Hopefully, when I get my telescope in the future I will go camping in the woods and enjoy watching the sky through a clear sky, unlike right now, cause living in Chicago, I can't really look that well up there. Is like there are barely any starts up there to begin with. My traveling as made me seen clear skies at night so I knwo I will enjoy it more if I go camping!

I have enjoyed sports since I was little, growing up in a Mexican household made me love soccer at a young age. So I have been playing sports and watching them and going to events ever since I was like 5. I have always supported and always cheer for the Mexican National Team when they play or are in the World Cup. Locally, my favorite team is the Chicago White Sox. I went to one of their games when I was 10 with my school. I saw my first baseball game there and fell in love with the team and ever since then I have been a huge White Sox fan! I grew up watching Jordan on TV, so naturally I was a huge Bulls fan in the early 90's. So yeah you can guess he was my favorite player at the time. I have enjoyed watching the Bears cause of their defense and became a fan of them after watching them on TV and going to one of their games when I was 14. So you can call me a homer for the most part, I am OK with it. I don't have anything against the Cubs, but because I am a White Sox fan, I don't out right cheer for them. When almost your entire relatives, except for your immediate family, is a Cubs fan, is hard to go against them without getting jumped by them. >_<

Well this is a quick intro to me and stuff you may already know or don't know. I will be blogging from now on and hopefully I will keep this pretty updated. I don't want to forget about this and considering I will be doing some neat stuff in the next couple of moths, this will be a nice way to keep my friends and family updated with stuff I am doing and hopefully you guys enjoy my future blogs! ^_^